Migrate a code repository from SourceForge (SVN) to Github (GIT)

To do a migration you will need a system that allows you to install Ruby, Ruby Gems and Git. We are running the entire process on a CentOS 6 box (YMMV).


  • Install svn2git. Need to be administrator or have sudo rights.
    • Install the following libraries svn, git, git-svn, ruby and rubygems
      yum install svn git git-svn ruby rubygems
    • Install svn2git
      gem install svn2git
    • Also check that you can run svn2git (i.e. svn2git is in the PATH). If it is not run the following command
      ln -s /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/svn2git-2.2.1/bin/svn2git /usr/bin/svn2git
  • Fix up steps. Skip this step. You only need to come back to this if you have issues in the installation/implementation.
    • FIX1: Issue with running command git config --local svn.authorsfile {path-to-authors-file}. The issue here is that some “git config” installations cannot interpret the –local parameter.
      • Locate the file migration.rb
        may be located in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/svn2git-2.2.1/lib/svn2git/migration.rb
      • look for any line that has the text “–local” and delete it so:
        run_command("git config <b>--local</b> svn.authorsfile #{authors}") unless authors.nil? will change to (note: you are just deleting the “–local” parameter only): run_command("git config svn.authorsfile #{authors}") unless authors.nil?
    • FIX2: Issue with Use of uninitialized value $u
      • When you get the error is may look like this
        Use of uninitialized value $u in substitution (s///) at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 1728.
        Use of uninitialized value $u in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 1728.
        refs/remotes/svn/trunk: '#############################' not found in ''
      • Locate the git-svn perl script
        may be located in /usr/libexec/git-core/git-svn
      • Go to the line (in the example above #1728) and change the following lines:
        $u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die
         "$refname: '$url' not found in '$u'\n"; to if(!$u) {
            $u = $pathname;
        } else {
            $u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die
            "$refname: '$url' not found in '$u'\n";

Installation Steps

  • In your home directory create a folder and give it a name that related to the project
    mkdir ~/myproject_svn
  • Go to the directory you just created
    cd ~/myproject_svn
  • Copy the project from sourceforge using rsync
    $ rsync -av {project name}.svn.sourceforge.net::svn/{project name}/* .
    e.g. $ rsync -av myproject.svn.sourceforge.net::svn/myproject/* .
  • Generate the authors list from the SVN repository (this list can be placed in any folder, so I put it in the home directory)
    $ svn log -q https://myproject.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/myproject | awk -F '|' '/^r/ {sub("^ ", "", $2); sub(" $", "", $2); print $2" = "$2" <"$2">"}' | sort -u > ~/authors.txt
  • What you get as an authors file should look like this:
    somebody1 = somebody1 <somebody1>
    somebody2 = somebody2 <somebody2>
  • Simply replace the last two fields with the appropriate entries like this:
    somebody1 = John Doe <john.doe@test.com>
    somebody2 = John Alexender <alex@smellyfoot.org>
  • Create a new directory for the Git repository and initialize it
    mkdir ~/myproject
    cd ~/myproject
    git init
  • Run the svn2git command while in the git repository directory you just created
    $ svn2git file:///home/mickymouse/myproject_svn/ --authors ~/authors.txt -v if your trunk, branches and tags are not in the root folder of your SVN repository, you will need to specify them like this: $ svn2git file:///home/mickymouse/myproject_svn/ --trunk {path/to/trunk} --branches {path/to/branches} --tags {path/to/tags} --authors ~/authors.txt -v
    e.g. $ svn2git file:///home/mickymouse/myproject_svn/ --trunk sparql/trunk --branches sparql/branches --tags sparql/tags --authors ~/authors.txt -v
  For other ways you can run the svn2git command check here: [https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git/blob/master/README.markdown](https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git/blob/master/README.markdown).  
  The -v is used so that you can see a better description of your errors  
  1\. If you get an error that has to do with this command: `git config --local svn.authorsfile {path-to-authors-file}`, see FIX1 in the Preparation section above.  
  2\. If you get an error that has to do with this command: `Use of uninitialized value $u`, see FIX2 in Preparation section above.   *   If you want to check that the number of commits in the new git repo is the same as the SVN repo, run the following commands.  
    `$ svn log -q | grep '^r[0-9]' | wc -l (count subversion revisions) `  
    `$ git log --oneline | wc -l (count git commits)` *   Create the Github repository online and add the remote information to your local repository and push the code to Github.  
    `$ git remote add origin https://github.com/user/repo.git# Set a new remote`
    and verify by running the following:  
    `$ git remote -v# Verify new remote`  
    `# origin https://github.com/user/repo.git (fetch)`  
    `# origin https://github.com/user/repo.git (push)` *   That is it. Something else that might be nice to do is redirect all the user that go to SourceForge to the new git repository.
*   Log into SourceForge and go to **Project Admin -> Feature Settings**.
*   Select **Manage **next to Subversion and go to Non-SF.net Resource (Active). This page allows you to leave a short message and a link to the new project page.